Saturday, August 9, 2014

107 - Robot Monster

With Shorts: Commando Cody parts 4 & 5
First Broadcast - January 1990

Amazing Colossal Grade: Gorilla robots, 'nuff said
Movie Pain: Medium - Horrid flick, but stupid fun
Riffing: Spotty, with some decent quips here and there
Skits: Okay - with 2 goodies (Segments 1 & 2)

The entire scheme of this movie is both creepy (not in a scary way) and dumb. For one thing, the entire story is a young boy's dream. And what does junior dream? Why that Earth's hairy conqueror -Ro-Man- will develop a crush on his older sister Alice. The alien will kidnap the woman, paw at her, and rip her dress, GAA, twisted little freak! But that's not all, his dark vision includes the strangulation of the youngest sister, and that mom & pops attempt to rescue Alice will ensure his own painful death. 
"Have you been in my cleaning solutions?" says Servo. I think Tom's right, either that or little Johnny needs some therapy!

The great thing about this movie is how stupidity reigns supreme throughout: From picnics in a rock quarry to a bubble machine - it's an MST goldmine! And yet, the sparseness of the riffing means it's not all it could be. There's a sprinkling of funny, but for me, and this is not the consensus opinion, my laughter was a lot fuller and frequent with the previous episode. 

Coupled with two so/so "Commando Cody" shorts, chapter 5 sees Joe wielding a giant dart! Skits include the guy's examining the science of "Cody"... and blowing up.

Host Segments
Invention: The Mads have their flaming whoopie cushion, while Joel shows off the cumber-bubble-bund. Segment 1: The illogical physics of Commando Cody, causes the Bots to overload and explode. Segment 2: Fearing for his life, Joel bashes Ro-Tom with a chair. Segment 3: Surrealism is explored. End: The SOL crew examines the movie while wearing garbage bags. Dr. F wonders about this strange man he sent into space. No Stinger -But if I chose one? Lil' Johnny sez to Ro-Man, "You look like a pooped out pin-wheel!"

Notable Riffs
Radar Riffs
* "That guy's uglier than a mud fence. He could make a train take a dirt road." - Servo
"Upon further review, the refs find that Cody is dead. The play stands -- Cody is dead." - Servo.
* "Hey, his face rings a bell." - Crow, as bank alarm clangs
* "we'll figure out something, if we could only use our arms." - Joel as thugs
* "I think we've all 'reported to the moon' at one time or another." - Servo.
* "Hey, there's no ice cream on these sticks?" - Crow

Robot Riffs
* "What kind of universe is it where they alter your clothes while you sleep?" - Joel
* "Selena Royal, what a great movie. Wasn't Woody Allen in that?" - Joel
* "Here hon, take these asbestos turnovers" - Joel as Mom
* "Ah, ha, ha, ha, I'll get the sedatives." - Joel
* "Hey great, a picnic at the slag heap. Thanks, mom." - Crow
* "Oh man, that Schlitz malt liquor... do I have the zacklies." - Crow
* "Mother, keep digging graves. Better do two, this isn't going very well." - Joel, as George
* "Come in, 'Same-Guy'..." - Joel as Ro-Man
* "Due to an error, there are still a few of you left alive. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you." - Joel as Ro-Man
* "Hey -- Mom? Tell us about Hell again." - Servo as Johnny
* "That's the great wall of Cleveland." - Joel
* "You're so bossy you should be milked before you come home at night" - "Dibs!", "I'll get a stool and a pail" - Roy/Servo/Crow
* "Hey, always wipe your feet before entering a bunker." - Servo
"That, ladies and gentlemen is the destroyer of the universe... I rest my case." - Joel
* "Kids, don't ever sit on an archaeologist's lap." - Servo
* "Shut up you little insensitive dolt! - Servo
* "Mom, I turned Hindu" - Joel as Johnny
* "You know, you'd think if he was going to rule the world, he'd choose a better spot than a cave." - Joel

Riffs Explained 
"Music by Pianosaurus" - Joel
A 1980's musical oddity, "Pianosaurus" was a New York based trio who played lighthearted pop songs entirely on toy instruments!

Stuff & Nonsense 
Actress Claudia Barrett (Alice) Said that when the picture was first shot, there were no dream sequences (they were added later). She also noted that the family home scenes were filmed near Dodger Stadium, in an area that was being renovated for a low-cost housing project.

Of interest: Claudia can also be seen playing "Lola", in the Jack Webb directed film, "The Last Time I Saw Archie". This is the movie that starred Robert Mitchum and was loosely based on the military exploits of Arch Hall Sr, known to MSTies as the director and star (Robert Miller) of Eegah.

Of Note: Listen as Tom somehow sneezes during the first Cody short. Joel observes..."You're not supposed to do that". And just as in "Hobgoblins" years later, Tom and Crow try their best to flee the theater

Available on DVD: Volume 19

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